CMS Biosimilars Rule: Rulemaking Malpractice

May 26, 2016


kenneth-fisherby Kenneth Fisher, MD
Nephrologist, ASBM Advisory Board Member

Biologic medicines are one of the most powerful tools physicians have to treat patients with serious conditions like cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, hepatitis, and multiple sclerosis. Copies of these therapies, called biosimilars, are becoming available in the U.S., and offer patients new treatment options, potentially at reduced cost. Unfortunately, a new biosimilars reimbursement rule made by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) which took effect this year runs contrary not only to regulatory thought but to what physicians are seeing at the front lines of medicine today. Patient safety stands to suffer.

Unlike generic versions of relatively simpler chemical drugs, the size and complexity of biologic molecules, and the fact they are grown within living cells, mean that these copies cannot be exact. Even seemingly minor differences between two similar biologics can produce unexpected effects in patients, including unwanted immune responses that hurt a patient we are trying to help.

In Thailand for example, more than 30 biosimilars are available to stimulate red blood cell production. When one or more of these products began causing a potentially-deadly condition called Pure Red Cell Aplasia (PRCA), identifying the product(s) responsible was extremely difficult, due to all the products sharing the same nonproprietary name.

Accurate tracking of patient response, including attribution of adverse events, is critical for all biologics, including biosimilars. This is particularly important for biosimilars the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not designated “interchangeable”.  In the U.S., only interchangeable biosimilars will have been evaluated and found they can be expected to have the same effects as with the original product in any given patient and can be repeatedly substituted in place of their reference biologic without any additional risk as compared to staying on the original product.

So critical is this need for distinguishability it has prompted leading regulators like the FDA and the World Health Organization (WHO) to recently update their nonproprietary naming systems to clearly differentiate biosimilars from their reference products and from one another, adding a unique four letter suffix to a common root, rather than all these products sharing the same scientific name.

The biosimilar reimbursement rule, which governs how healthcare providers are reimbursed for their services, runs counter to much of the current regulatory thought regarding biosimilars.

CMS would require physicians to use a shared billing code (also known as a HCPCS or “J-Code”) for all biosimilars used in lieu of the reference product. Use of these shared identifiers for multiple biologics is greatly out of step with what is known about these medicines- implying to patients and providers an identicality between multiple products that does not exist with biologics.

Further, it falsely suggests these products are inherently interchangeable (and thus substitutable) with one another- a determination that can only be made by the FDA after reviewing comparative study data. No product has yet been designated interchangeable.

Rather than adding clarity and transparency when making treatment decisions or when tracking patient response (as the FDA and WHO identifiers do), the biosimilar reimbursement rule introduces needless ambiguity and obfuscation both during treatment and afterward in tracking the long-term safety and efficacy of these agents.

The FDA’s Sentinel system uses HCPCS codes when tracking adverse events. The use of a shared code to cover many different biologics could potentially result in pooling and misattribution of adverse events, obscuring the detection of safety signals and making it much harder to accurately identify and address any safety problems should they occur.

Biosimilars bring new treatment options for patients and offer potential cost savings. But clear product identification for all biologics, including biosimilars, must remain a priority in order to realize these benefits.

The CMS biosimilar reimbursement rule represents a step backward for patient safety, and according to most commenters undermines access. Indeed, it was finalized over the objections of almost every stakeholder in the biosimilars discussion: physicians, patient groups, insurers, pharmacies, and manufacturers of both innovator and biosimilar medicines.

Finalizing the proposed policy without satisfactorily resolving the near-unanimous objections could be considered rulemaking malpractice. Fortunately for patients affected by bad policy, the outcome is not determined until the policy is implemented and CMS still has time to get it right. It would seem reasonable for one federal agency, CMS, to consult another, the FDA, before finalizing its rules on biologics.


ASBM Presents to Nashville Pharmacy Students, Healthcare Practitioners

May 20, 2016

On Wednesday, June 15th, ASBM presented a one-hour educational program entitled “Biosimilars: New Choices, New Challenges” at TriStar Centennial Medical Center in Nashville, TN. Tristar Centennial educates pharmacy students from Belmont University, Lipscomb University, Murray State University, and the University of Tennessee, and the audience was comprised of 20 pharmacy students from these schools as well as nurse-practitioners and other health care providers from the Medical Center.

ASBM Chairman Harry L Gewanter, MD began the program by presenting the students with an overview of biologic medicines, in particular their extreme complexity and sensitivity to manufacturing and environmental changes, along with their potential to cause unwanted immune responses. A biosimilar, he explained, is not an exact copy of a biologic medicine, but rather a new molecule reverse-engineered to mimic the therapeutic properties of the original, but made from a its own cell line and through different processes. Thus, it can only ever be similar to, not identical to, its reference product.

These concerns, Gewanter explained, necessitate treating biosimilars differently from generic versions of traditional chemical drugs, leading policymakers at the state, federal and international level to update their regulations.


For example, clear product identification is critical when dealing with similar medicines. Dr. Gewanter discussed the naming plans created by the World Health Organization and FDA, and how these can help physicians and pharmacists accurately track which medicine their patient receives. He noted that distinct names were supported by physicians and pharmacists, citing ASBM’s survey data.


Another area of concern among physicians and pharmacists was product labeling. Dr. Gewanter explained. He discussed the importance of informative labeling for physicians and pharmacist when deciding between similar medicines, and showed ASBM survey data indicating that providers want far more transparency that the FDA required with its initial biosimilar approval. Gewanter also discussed the FDA’s first recent FDA Draft Guidance, which begins to address some, though not all of these concerns. He pointed to the product labeling requirements in Canada as a potential model. Health Canada requires much more data on a biosimilar (referred to in Canada as a Subsequent Entry Biologic or SEB), including whether it was tested in a given indication or approval was granted based on extrapolation from testing in another indication.

Finally, Dr. Gewanter emphasized the importance of physician-pharmacist collaboration and communication when dealing with the substitution of biosimilars. In order to make informed treatment decisions and accurately track patient response, it is critical for pharmacists to let physicians know when they have substituted a biosimilar, and for physicians to have the authority to block a substitution they felt was medically inappropriate by designating “dispense as written”(DAW) on the prescription.



Dr. Gewanter praised Tennessee’s lawmakers for their leadership in enacting legislation shortly after the first biosimilar was approved last year, that required this communication between pharmacist and physician, and allowed physicians DAW authority.

TN-tnlawLike similar laws being passed nationwide, the Tennessee law permits only interchangeable biosimilars- those determined by the FDA to provide the same effects as the original product without causing additional risks to the patient if switched – to ever be substituted.


Next, Andrew Spiegel, Executive Director of the Global Colon Cancer Association, spoke on the patient perspective on biologics and biosimilars. Mr. Spiegel praised biologic medicines for their role in tripling the life expectancy of patients diagnosed with colon cancer. Biosimilars, Mr. Spiegel emphasized, hold great promise for patients- offering new therapeutic options and doing so at lower cost. However, he cautioned in order for benefits of biosimilars to be realized, physicians and patients must have confidence in them. This requires transparency, particularly about whether or not the biosimilar was tested in a particular disease.

Mr. Spiegel described his experience testifying at a recent FDA hearing, where committee members were given an “all or nothing” choice: approve a biosimilar for all the indications for which it applied, or none at all. In several of the indications, its biosimilarity to the innovator have been well documented, while in others, it had not been tested and there had been global disagreement among regulators and physicians as to whether it should be approved.  This “all or nothing”approach is worrying, and does not serve the interest of patients, Mr. Spiegel argued.


Finally, Mr. Spiegel emphasized the importance of the ultimate treatment decision being made by the patient and physician, rather than a third-party payer. “Treatment decisions, including the decision to switch from one medicine to another should be made for medical reasons, that benefit the health and safety of the patient, not for non-medical reasons that might benefit a a company’s shareholders”, said Spiegel. He then outlined practices that payers may use to force a patient to switch to a non-interchangeable biosimilar, such as changing their medical coverage or health care premiums.

Afterward, Dr. Gewanter and Mr. Spiegel took questions from the audience, several of whom are pharmacy students and residents currently receiving training in specialty pharmacy, who remarked found the talk very informative and relevant to their current work.


Dr. Gewanter answers a fourth-year pharmacy student’s question about biologic substitution. 



Mr. Spiegel discusses step therapy and other payer practices with a nurse practitioner. 

ASBM Presents to Nashville Pharmacy Students, Healthcare Practitioners

May 20, 2016

On Wednesday, June 15th, ASBM presented a one-hour educational program entitled “Biosimilars: New Choices, New Challenges” at TriStar Centennial Medical Center in Nashville, TN. Tristar Centennial educates pharmacy students from Belmont University, Lipscomb University, Murray State University, and the University of Tennessee, and the audience was comprised of 20 pharmacy students from these schools as well as nurse-practitioners and other health care providers from the Medical Center.

ASBM Chairman Harry L Gewanter, MD began the program by presenting the students with an overview of biologic medicines, in particular their extreme complexity and sensitivity to manufacturing and environmental changes, along with their potential to cause unwanted immune responses. A biosimilar, he explained, is not an exact copy of a biologic medicine, but rather a new molecule reverse-engineered to mimic the therapeutic properties of the original, but made from a its own cell line and through different processes. Thus, it can only ever be similar to, not identical to, its reference product.

These concerns, Gewanter explained, necessitate treating biosimilars differently from generic versions of traditional chemical drugs, leading policymakers at the state, federal and international level to update their regulations.


For example, clear product identification is critical when dealing with similar medicines. Dr. Gewanter discussed the naming plans created by the World Health Organization and FDA, and how these can help physicians and pharmacists accurately track which medicine their patient receives. He noted that distinct names were supported by physicians and pharmacists, citing ASBM’s survey data.


Another area of concern among physicians and pharmacists was product labeling. Dr. Gewanter explained. He discussed the importance of informative labeling for physicians and pharmacist when deciding between similar medicines, and showed ASBM survey data indicating that providers want far more transparency that the FDA required with its initial biosimilar approval. Gewanter also discussed the FDA’s first recent FDA Draft Guidance, which begins to address some, though not all of these concerns. He pointed to the product labeling requirements in Canada as a potential model. Health Canada requires much more data on a biosimilar (referred to in Canada as a Subsequent Entry Biologic or SEB), including whether it was tested in a given indication or approval was granted based on extrapolation from testing in another indication.

Finally, Dr. Gewanter emphasized the importance of physician-pharmacist collaboration and communication when dealing with the substitution of biosimilars. In order to make informed treatment decisions and accurately track patient response, it is critical for pharmacists to let physicians know when they have substituted a biosimilar, and for physicians to have the authority to block a substitution they felt was medically inappropriate by designating “dispense as written”(DAW) on the prescription.



Dr. Gewanter praised Tennessee’s lawmakers for their leadership in enacting legislation shortly after the first biosimilar was approved last year, that required this communication between pharmacist and physician, and allowed physicians DAW authority.

TN-tnlawLike similar laws being passed nationwide, the Tennessee law permits only interchangeable biosimilars- those determined by the FDA to provide the same effects as the original product without causing additional risks to the patient if switched – to ever be substituted.


Next, Andrew Spiegel, Executive Director of the Global Colon Cancer Association, spoke on the patient perspective on biologics and biosimilars. Mr. Spiegel praised biologic medicines for their role in tripling the life expectancy of patients diagnosed with colon cancer. Biosimilars, Mr. Spiegel emphasized, hold great promise for patients- offering new therapeutic options and doing so at lower cost. However, he cautioned in order for benefits of biosimilars to be realized, physicians and patients must have confidence in them. This requires transparency, particularly about whether or not the biosimilar was tested in a particular disease.

Mr. Spiegel described his experience testifying at a recent FDA hearing, where committee members were given an “all or nothing” choice: approve a biosimilar for all the indications for which it applied, or none at all. In several of the indications, its biosimilarity to the innovator have been well documented, while in others, it had not been tested and there had been global disagreement among regulators and physicians as to whether it should be approved.  This “all or nothing”approach is worrying, and does not serve the interest of patients, Mr. Spiegel argued.


Finally, Mr. Spiegel emphasized the importance of the ultimate treatment decision being made by the patient and physician, rather than a third-party payer. “Treatment decisions, including the decision to switch from one medicine to another should be made for medical reasons, that benefit the health and safety of the patient, not for non-medical reasons that might benefit a a company’s shareholders”, said Spiegel. He then outlined practices that payers may use to force a patient to switch to a non-interchangeable biosimilar, such as changing their medical coverage or health care premiums.

Afterward, Dr. Gewanter and Mr. Spiegel took questions from the audience, several of whom are pharmacy students and residents currently receiving training in specialty pharmacy, who remarked found the talk very informative and relevant to their current work.


Dr. Gewanter answers a fourth-year pharmacy student’s question about biologic substitution. 



Mr. Spiegel discusses step therapy and other payer practices with a nurse practitioner. 

The Evolution of Good Policy: An Educator’s Perspective

May 20, 2016


philip-imgBy Philip Schneider, MS, FASHP
ASBM Advisory Board Chair

Having spent 40 years educating students, legislators, patients, and others about medications and pharmacy practice, I’ve learned that the key to changing minds is usually to get people to see things from a new, different angle.

For example, as states grapple with how to handle biosimilar substitutions, many are drafting laws which require pharmacists to communicate to the prescribing physician which product was dispensed- the originator or the biosimilar. Pharmacists and pharmacy societies have sometimes been understandably skeptical of new rules and regulations they see as potentially onerous.

I’ve testified in several such states, including Arizona and Ohio and have explained that pharmacists and physicians have a responsibility to their patients and to the greater healthcare community- including patients, providers, regulators, manufacturers and researchers- to work collaboratively and communicate regarding these new medicines.

Clear and timely communication allows an accurate patient record to be maintained, meaning any unexpected effects will be attributed to the correct medicine and informed therapeutic decisions can be made by all parties throughout the course of treatment. This also aids regulators in long term tracking of these products’ safety and efficacy, as well as helping manufacturers and researchers understand how they work.

Legislation has subsequently passed in these and other states when pharmacy societies have focused on the value of communication for the patient instead of the burden to pharmacists.


Often there is a disconnect between a position adopted by a bureaucracy, group or professional society – whether reflexively out of caution, inertia, or skepticism over new rules – and the perspectives of the rank-and-file members or constituents it represents.

Take the issue of biosimilar naming. The FDA and the WHO have each proposed a four-letter suffix system for all biologics- including biosimilars- to clearly distinguish similar products from one another. I’ve participated in several of the WHO meetings in an advisory capacity as they finalize their proposal. (The plans are similar and potentially harmonious; discussion currently revolves around whether to use suffixes composed of random letters,  or meaningful, memorable suffixes based on the name of the manufacturer.)

Yet, despite a long tradition among pharmacists of avoiding look-alike and sound-alike product names that could create confusion, both the American Pharmacy Association (APhA), and the American Society of Health-system Pharmacists (ASHP), an organization of which I am a past president, oppose the naming plans.

However, when conducting continuing education courses for pharmacists around the country, I’ve found them generally supportive of distinct naming.

Indeed, when ASBM surveyed 401 pharmacists last year, 68% of them supported the FDA’s naming plan, with 77% supporting memorable suffixes based on manufacturer name. In March, while speaking to 150 pharmacists in Rhode Island, I asked these questions and found 97% support distinct naming, with again, 77% supporting memorable suffixes based on manufacturer name as their preferred suffix format.

97% of the 150 pharmacists at a URI College of Pharmacy conference were supportive of distinct naming.
As in ASBM’s formal survey of 401 pharmacists, 77% of the 150 pharmacists at the URI conference supported meaningful suffixes based on manufacturer name.

As a past president of a national pharmacy society, I know that these groups have a dual charge: to understand and reflect the views of our members, and to present those positions when educating policy makers on an issue. It is my hope to see a similar shift among national pharmacy societies on the naming issue as I’ve seen with state societies on the substitution issue.

As an educator, there’s another lesson here: Sometimes, it’s important for those who teach, to listen also.


ASBM Presents at Ohio State University Medical Center

May 12, 2016

On May 10th, ASBM cohosted an educational briefing on biosimilars with the Ohio State University College of Medicine at the University’s Wexner Medical Center in Columbus, OH. The audience was comprised of a broad cross section of stakeholders including patient advocates, physicians, pharmacists, representatives from the Ohio Pharmacy Association, The Ohio Nurses Association,  a State Representative, medical and pharmacy students and others.


The program began with an introduction by Dr. Robert Weber, Administrator of Pharmacy Services at Wexner Medical Center and Assistant Dean of the OSU College of Pharmacy, who introduced ASBM’s Advisory Board Chair, Dr. Philip Schneider. Dr. Schneider, currently Associate Dean at the University of Arizona’s College of Pharmacy, had served on the OSU faculty for 33 years and led the Pharmacy Residence program at the Wexner Medical Center.

Dr. Schneider began his presentation with an overview of the basic science of biologic medicines, their differences from small-molecule chemical drugs in terms of their production, size, complexity, and sensitivity to manufacturing changes and environmental conditions. Biosimilars, he explained, should not be thought of as generic biologics; rather as new biologics that are “highly similar” to the biologic whose therapeutic properties they attempt to duplicate.

He then explained how biosimilars require a different regulatory approach, citing several key issues facing policymakers.

For example, clear product identification is critical when dealing with two similar biologic medicines. Distinct naming of biologics aids in long-term tracking of their safety and efficacy and allows accurate attribution of any adverse events to the correct product. Dr. Schneider discussed the FDA’s proposed naming system and his work with the World Health Organization, which is crafting international naming standards for biologics.


Distinct naming, he noted is widely supported by healthcare providers, with 68% of pharmacists and and 66% of biologic prescribers supporting the FDA issuing distinct names for all biologics, including biosimilars. While the FDA has used differentiating suffixes based on the manufacture name in its biosimilar approvals, it has also used random suffixes. Dr. Schneider emphasized that ASBM’s survey data showed a clear preference for meaningful suffixes, with 60% of prescribers and 77% of pharmacists favoring meaningful, manufacturer-based suffixes, which are more memorable for healthcare providers.


Regarding the labeling of biosimilars, Dr. Schneider noted that providers want more transparency than is currently required by FDA’s Draft Guidance on labeling. For example, 80% of prescribers and 76% of pharmacists consider it important or very important that a biosimilar’s label state whether approval was granted for an indication based on study in that indication, or on extrapolation from study in a different disease.


Finally, Dr. Schneider turned to the subject of pharmacy substitution of biosimilars, discussing how many U.S. states are addressing what communication must occur between providers when a biosimilar is substituted. Only biosimilars deemed “interchangeable” by the FDA (producing the same effects as the reference product without additional risks if switched from the reference) could potentially be substituted without physician involvement. Yet 20 states require a pharmacist to communicate which biologic – the originator or the biosimilar- was dispensed, so that the physician and patient can maintain an accurate patient record and continue to make informed treatment decisions. Such communication is considered “very important” or “critical” by 80% of U.S. prescribers, with similar numbers found among prescribers in all eleven countries ASBM has surveyed. Under the state legislation, prescribing physician would still be able to block a substitution by designating “dispense as written” (DAW). DAW authority is considered “very important” or “critical” by biologic prescribers worldwide, including 82% of U.S. prescribers.


View Dr. Schneider’s presentation here.

Following Dr. Schneider’s presentation, patient advocate Andrew Spiegel, Executive Director of the Global Colon Cancer Association provided a patient’s perspective. He discussed the benefits of biologic medicines for patients, and the great promise of biosimilars in expanding access to biologic treatments through cost savings and new therapeutic choices. But, he cautioned, it was important that the ultimate treatment decisions should remain between physician and patient, rather than being made by a third party such as an insurance company for non-medical reasons such as potential cost savings or profit.

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Mr. Spiegel also emphasized that confidence in biosimilars is key to their success, citing clear naming and transparent, informative labeling as key elements in building patient confidence in biosimilars.

View Mr. Spiegel’s presentation here. 
Next, Judy Nagy, a rheumatoid arthritis patient, spoke about her struggles in managing her disease and the importance of education on biologic medicines. Ms. Nagy, who is part of ASBM member Global Healthy Living Foundation‘s 50-state patient network,  emphasized that patients need physicians, pharmacists, manufacturers and policymakers to work together to craft sound, patient-centered policies on biosimilars that expand access but do not compromise safety.


Finally, a robust Q & A portion followed, in which the panel answered questions from healthcare providers, as well as medical and pharmacy students.


Representative Stephen A. Huffman, who is sponsoring a biosimilar substitution bill in Ohio, was in attendance and answered audience questions about the bill.


View the entire program here:

70 Stakeholder Groups Call on the FDA, Urging Distinguishable, Meaningful Suffixes for Biosimilars

May 11, 2016

WASHINGTON, DC—In a letter to the FDA this week, a 70-group coalition of healthcare stakeholders including patient and provider organizations and others urged the use of distinguishable, meaningful suffixes for biosimilars. The letter to Leah Christl, Ph.D., FDA’s associate director for therapeutic biologics, comes on the heels of FDA’s departure from a meaningful to random identifier in the agency’s approval of the second biosimilar.

“Biosimilars hold great promise for millions of individuals living with debilitating, life-altering diseases and we appreciate your ever-vigilant efforts to promote access to these treatments,” the signatories wrote. “We believe that by the FDA instituting a distinguishable naming system for biological medicines that incorporates meaningful, memorable suffixes we will achieve these goals by providing strong patient protections, critical transparency and promoting pharmacovigilance, resulting in greater prescriber confidence.”

“There is no margin of error for patients who are managing serious and complex conditions,” said Kathleen Arntsen, President and CEO of the Lupus and Allied Diseases Association who collaborated with the Alliance for Safe Biologic Medicines on the grassroots initiative by gathering signatures and sending a strong signal to the FDA. Arntsen added that “Precise prescribing and documentation of adverse events is absolutely a matter of life and death for individuals struggling to live with these diseases.”

“Meaningful suffixes are easier for patients, providers and pharmacists to both recognize and remember, thus facilitating accurate association between adverse events and specific products,” signatories wrote. “A suffix based on the manufacturer name, as was used in the Zarxio approval where ‘-sndz” refers to ‘Sandoz’, also promotes manufacturer accountability.”

The letter notes strong support for the coalition’s position among both physicians and pharmacists. In a survey of 400 prescribers of biologic medicines and 401 U.S. pharmacists, 60 percent and 77 percent, respectively, indicated their preference for meaningful over random suffixes.


About the Alliance for Safe Biologic Medicines
The Alliance for Safe Biologic Medicines (ASBM) is an organization composed of diverse healthcare groups and individuals including patients, physicians, pharmacists, manufacturers of both innovative and biosimilar medicines and others, working together to ensure patient safety remains at the forefront of the biosimilars policy discussion.

For more information, please contact:

Michael Reilly
Executive Director
Alliance for Safe Biologic Medicines
Phone: 202-222-8326


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70 Stakeholder Groups Call on the FDA, Urging Distinguishable, Meaningful Suffixes for Biosimilars

May 11, 2016

WASHINGTON, DC—In a letter to the FDA this week, a 70-group coalition of healthcare stakeholders including patient and provider organizations and others urged the use of distinguishable, meaningful suffixes for biosimilars. The letter to Leah Christl, Ph.D., FDA’s associate director for therapeutic biologics, comes on the heels of FDA’s departure from a meaningful to random identifier in the agency’s approval of the second biosimilar.

“Biosimilars hold great promise for millions of individuals living with debilitating, life-altering diseases and we appreciate your ever-vigilant efforts to promote access to these treatments,” the signatories wrote. “We believe that by the FDA instituting a distinguishable naming system for biological medicines that incorporates meaningful, memorable suffixes we will achieve these goals by providing strong patient protections, critical transparency and promoting pharmacovigilance, resulting in greater prescriber confidence.”

“There is no margin of error for patients who are managing serious and complex conditions,” said Kathleen Arntsen, President and CEO of the Lupus and Allied Diseases Association who collaborated with the Alliance for Safe Biologic Medicines on the grassroots initiative by gathering signatures and sending a strong signal to the FDA. Arntsen added that “Precise prescribing and documentation of adverse events is absolutely a matter of life and death for individuals struggling to live with these diseases.”

“Meaningful suffixes are easier for patients, providers and pharmacists to both recognize and remember, thus facilitating accurate association between adverse events and specific products,” signatories wrote. “A suffix based on the manufacturer name, as was used in the Zarxio approval where ‘-sndz” refers to ‘Sandoz’, also promotes manufacturer accountability.”

The letter notes strong support for the coalition’s position among both physicians and pharmacists. In a survey of 400 prescribers of biologic medicines and 401 U.S. pharmacists, 60 percent and 77 percent, respectively, indicated their preference for meaningful over random suffixes.


About the Alliance for Safe Biologic Medicines
The Alliance for Safe Biologic Medicines (ASBM) is an organization composed of diverse healthcare groups and individuals including patients, physicians, pharmacists, manufacturers of both innovative and biosimilar medicines and others, working together to ensure patient safety remains at the forefront of the biosimilars policy discussion.

For more information, please contact:

Michael Reilly
Executive Director
Alliance for Safe Biologic Medicines
Phone: 202-222-8326


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ASBM Presents at 62nd WHO INN Meeting

April 15, 2016

On April 12th, in Geneva, Switzerland, ASBM President Doug Badger and Advisory Board Chair Philip Schneider, MS, FASHP presented to the World Health Organization as part of its 62nd International Nonproprietary Name (INN) Consultation. The subject of the Consultation is the continued development of the INN Programme’s Biologic Qualifier (BQ) proposal.

Badger and Schneider reiterated ASBM’s support for the WHO BQ proposal and offered to continue educating regulators, providers and patients worldwide on the importance of and need for a global naming policy for biological products including biosimilars.  Mr. Badger shared ASBM data from physician surveys in 11 countries that demonstrate strong support for distinguishable names for biologics and Dr. Schneider shared pharmacist survey data gathered through formal surveys and from continuing education (CE) coursework with pharmacists that demonstrate the same.

Both committed to honoring the WHO’s request to refrain from discussing details about the meeting until the Executive Summary is made available to the public in the coming months.

Update: The Executive Summary from the 62nd INN Consultation may be viewed here, and ASBM’s presentation from that meeting may be viewed here.

ASBM Presents at 62nd WHO INN Meeting

April 15, 2016

On April 12th, in Geneva, Switzerland, ASBM President Doug Badger and Advisory Board Chair Philip Schneider, MS, FASHP presented to the World Health Organization as part of its 62nd International Nonproprietary Name (INN) Consultation. The subject of the Consultation is the continued development of the INN Programme’s Biologic Qualifier (BQ) proposal.

Badger and Schneider reiterated ASBM’s support for the WHO BQ proposal and offered to continue educating regulators, providers and patients worldwide on the importance of and need for a global naming policy for biological products including biosimilars.  Mr. Badger shared ASBM data from physician surveys in 11 countries that demonstrate strong support for distinguishable names for biologics and Dr. Schneider shared pharmacist survey data gathered through formal surveys and from continuing education (CE) coursework with pharmacists that demonstrate the same.

Both committed to honoring the WHO’s request to refrain from discussing details about the meeting until the Executive Summary is made available to the public in the coming months.

Update: The Executive Summary from the 62nd INN Consultation may be viewed here, and ASBM’s presentation from that meeting may be viewed here.

ASBM Presents at PANLAR Conference

April 14, 2016

On April 13th, ASBM Chairman and pediatric rheumatologist Harry L. Gewanter presented to the XIX PANLAR Conference in Panama City, Panama, presented by the Pan American League of Associations for Rheumatology. More than 1000 physicians attended the conference representing countries in Latin America, South America, and the Caribbean.

Dr. Gewanter shared data from ASBM’s global surveys of biologic prescribers in eleven countries, with an emphasis on ASBM’s survey of Latin American physicians from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico.

Dr. Gewanter also participated in a panel with a local physician and patients, in which he discussed the importance of sharing physician and patient perspectives with national regulatory authorities as they craft biosimilars policy.

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