GaBI Journal Publishes Critical Review of Canadian Substitution Policies

September 30, 2021

On September 30th, the Generics and Biosimilars Initiative published GaBI Journal, Volume 10, 2021, Issue 3, containing a new whitepaper by ASBM Executive Director Michael Reilly and Advisory Board Chair Philip Schneider. The paper is entitled “A Critical Review of Substitution Policy for Biosimilars in Canada” and highlights the stark contrast between the forced-substitution policies recently enacted by some Canadian provinces and the pro-competition policies […]

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ASBM Whitepaper Offers Critical Review of Canadian Substitution Policies

August 22, 2021

On August 22nd, the Journal of the Generics and Biosimilars Journal (GaBI Journal) published a new whitepaper by ASBM Executive Director Michael Reilly and Advisory Board Chair Philip Schneider. The paper is entitled “A Critical Review of Substitution Policy for Biosimilars in Canada” and highlights the stark contrast between the forced-substitution policies recently enacted by some Canadian provinces and the pro-competition […]

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ASBM Whitepaper Offers Critical Review of Canadian Substitution Policies

August 22, 2021

On August 22nd, the Journal of the Generics and Biosimilars Journal (GaBI Journal) published a new whitepaper by ASBM Executive Director Michael Reilly and Advisory Board Chair Philip Schneider. The paper is entitled “A Critical Review of Substitution Policy for Biosimilars in Canada” and highlights the stark contrast between the forced-substitution policies recently enacted by some Canadian provinces and the pro-competition […]

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Quebec Announces Forced Biosimilar Substitution Policy

May 20, 2021

On May 18th, Quebec announced its intention to become the fourth province to require patients to switch to biosimilars. British Columbia and Alberta have already implemented similar policies, and in April, New Brunswick announced it will follow them.   Starting April 12, 2022, Quebec will cover, “with exceptions,” only the biosimilar version of drugs. “Despite the inclusion of several […]

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Quebec Announces Forced Biosimilar Substitution Policy

May 20, 2021

On May 18th, Quebec announced its intention to become the fourth province to require patients to switch to biosimilars. British Columbia and Alberta have already implemented similar policies, and in April, New Brunswick announced it will follow them.   Starting April 12, 2022, Quebec will cover, “with exceptions,” only the biosimilar version of drugs. “Despite the inclusion of several […]

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ASBM Launches New Microsite on Forced Switching in Canada

October 30, 2020

On October 28th, ASBM launched a new microsite focused on the issue of forced biosimilar substitution in Canada- the forcing of patients off their physician-prescribed biologics and onto preferred government-chosen products.   This controversial practice is rare among the advanced countries of the world, and has raised concerns among patient and physician organizations worldwide. […]

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Fiche d’information : Que peut apprendre le Canada de l’expérience biosimilaire en Europe?

September 15, 2020

Comptant plus de 60 produits approuvés, l’Europe constitue le chef de file incontesté des biosimilaires, et le plus important marché de biosimilaires au monde, avec des taux d’adoption pouvant atteindre 91 % pour les produits plus anciens (avant l’approbation du premier anticorps monoclonal biosimilaire en 2013) et jusqu’à 43 % pour les produits plus récents (approuvés après […]

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Alberta MP To Provide Feedback to Government on Drug Pricing Guidelines Following Implementation Delay

September 10, 2020

Alberta’s Shadow Health Minister, Matt Jeneroux, has used a recent implementation delay for new drug pricing guidelines from the Patented Medicines Pricing Review Board (PMPRB) to collect additional feedback about the proposed changes and will be presenting a comprehensive report to the government in the fall based on his findings. Originally scheduled to take effect on […]

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Report: Canada’s Pharmaceutical Pricing Reforms Creating Negative Impacts for Patients

August 30, 2020

A sweeping and controversial reform of Canada’s 30-year old regime overseeing patented medicine prices is already creating negative impacts in the life sciences sector and reducing patients’ access to medicines, according to a new report from Innovative Medicines Canada and Life Sciences Ontario. The regulations, drafted by Canada’s Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB) were published […]

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Two New Biosimilars Launch in Canada

August 30, 2020

The month of August saw two new biosimilars launch in Canada: The first, Ziextenzo, is a biosimilar pegfilgrastim- a long-acting form of recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (r-metHuG-CSF), or filgrastim. It is was approved April 21st of this year by Health Canada to decrease the incidence of infection, as manifested by febrile neutropenia, in patients […]

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