ASBM Participates in Brussels Labelling Workshop

February 3, 2016

On February 2nd, ASBM’s Chairman Harry Gewanter and its Executive Director Michael Reilly participated in a panel discussion in Brussels, Belgium. The panel was held as part of a Labelling Workshop hosted by the European Biopharmaceutical Enterprises (EBE) and EuropaBio. 

Dr. Gewanter and Mr. Reilly discussed the findings of ASBM’s surveys of U.S. physicians and pharmacists, which show a desire for more informative, accurate labeling of biosimilars. In particular, providers want greater transparency regarding indication extrapolation and the source of data appearing on the label than is currently required by the U.S. FDA.

Mr. Reilly praised Health Canada’s recent SEB (biosimilar) Guidance, which requires a biosimilar’s label to show data generated by its sponsor, and provide safety data for all approved indications. 

ASBM Submits Comments Supporting Biosimilars User Fee Act (BsUFA) Reauthorization

January 20, 2016

On January 19th, ASBM submitted comments to the FDA supportive of reauthorizing the Biosimilars User Fee Act (BsUFA) which funds the FDA’s biosimilar program through fees paid by biosimilar sponsors:

“ASBM supports reauthorization of BsUFA because the FDA must always have adequate funding and resources to bring these medicines to patients both safely and in a timely manner. Continuing the BsUFA funding mechanism…will ensure FDA has the resources it needs.” 

The FDA had held a hearing on BsUFA December 18th, at which ASBM Steering Committee Member Andy Spiegel, Director of the Global Colon Cancer Association, testified in support of the program.

The comment letter ASBM submitted may be read in full here.

Video: The Evolution of Biotechnology- The Arrival of Biosimilars

December 14, 2015

This short video, produced by Policy Matters Canada, explains some of the differences between biologic medicines and traditional chemical drugs, how biosimilars differ from generics, and how these differences create policy challenges for regulators and lawmakers.

Video: The Evolution of Biotechnology- The Arrival of Biosimilars

December 14, 2015

This short video, produced by Policy Matters Canada, explains some of the differences between biologic medicines and traditional chemical drugs, how biosimilars differ from generics, and how these differences create policy challenges for regulators and lawmakers.

ASBM Presents to Ontario Hospital Association

December 9, 2015

On December 9th in Toronto, ON, ASBM Executive Director Michael Reilly gave a presentation entitled “Biosimilars: On the Forefront of Medical Innovation” as part of a webinar hosted by the Ontario Hospital Association (OHA). The OHA is a leader on the issue of patient safety in Canada and represents 151 hospitals.

Prior to the presentation, a short, informative video was shown, providing an overview of the differences between biologics and chemical drugs. The video addressed some of the unique challenges biosimilars create for policymakers and regulators, with an emphasis on the value of distinguishable names and accurate tracking of adverse events.

Mr. Reilly’s presentation focused on how regulators can address these challenges in order to build physician confidence in biosimilars: by supporting distinguishable naming, good communication with pharmacists during substitution, and transparency in product labeling. Physician perspectives from ASBM surveys in eleven countries were presented, including its survey of 400 Canadian prescribers. The presentation may be viewed here.

Health Canada Releases New SEB/Biosimilar Guidance

December 8, 2015

On December 7th, Health Canada released a revised draft of Guidance on Subsequent Entry Biologics (the Canadian equivalent of biosimilars) for stakeholder consultation. The obective of the Guidance, entitled “Information and Submission Requirements for Subsequent Entry Biologics (SEB Guidance)“, is to provide sponsors with guidance to satisfy the information and regulatory requirements under the Canadian Food and Drugs Act and Regulations for the authorization of SEBs in Canada.

The Guidance Document and information on submitting feedback may be found here. Comments will be accepted until February 15th. 

Health Canada Releases New SEB/Biosimilar Guidance

December 8, 2015

On December 7th, Health Canada released a revised draft of Guidance on Subsequent Entry Biologics (the Canadian equivalent of biosimilars) for stakeholder consultation. The obective of the Guidance, entitled “Information and Submission Requirements for Subsequent Entry Biologics (SEB Guidance)“, is to provide sponsors with guidance to satisfy the information and regulatory requirements under the Canadian Food and Drugs Act and Regulations for the authorization of SEBs in Canada.

The Guidance Document and information on submitting feedback may be found here. Comments will be accepted until February 15th. 

EMA Accepts Application for Second Biosimilar for Enbrel

December 8, 2015

On December 8th, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) accepted a Marketing Authorization Application (MAA) for the second biosimilar to the EU-licensed Enbrel (etanercept), a tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) inhibitor. The biosimilar is seeking approvals for all indications of its reference product, which is used to treat autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis. More information can be found here. The EMA Committee for Medicinal Products had recommended approval for the first biosimilar to Enbrel, Benepali, on November 20th.



ASBM Presents to Canadian Patient Advocates

November 20, 2015

On November 19th, ASBM participated in the Expert Patient Advocates and 21st Century Therapies Forum held in Toronto, Ontario. The forum was sponsored by the Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders (CORD), which works with governments, researchers, clinicians and industry to promote research, diagnosis, treatment and services for all rare disorders in Canada. 

ASBM Executive Director Michael Reilly joined a patient advocate, researchers and representatives from the biologic and pharmaceutical industry in a panel discussion on “Innovation in Medicines”. The panel was chaired by Mark Lundie, Director, Medical Affairs, Rare Diseases, Pfizer Canada Inc., Toronto.  Innovations discussed included new biologic and biosimilar therapies, the repurposing of old therapies, targeted drug discovery, and adaptive clinical trials.  Prior to the discussion, Mr. Reilly gave a 15-minute presentation on the benefits of biosimilars, highlighting policy challenges which regulators must address to safely bring these to patients. Mr. Reilly’s presentation may be viewed here.

ASBM Presents to Canadian Patient Advocates

November 20, 2015

On November 19th, ASBM participated in the Expert Patient Advocates and 21st Century Therapies Forum held in Toronto, Ontario. The forum was sponsored by the Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders (CORD), which works with governments, researchers, clinicians and industry to promote research, diagnosis, treatment and services for all rare disorders in Canada. 

ASBM Executive Director Michael Reilly joined a patient advocate, researchers and representatives from the biologic and pharmaceutical industry in a panel discussion on “Innovation in Medicines”. The panel was chaired by Mark Lundie, Director, Medical Affairs, Rare Diseases, Pfizer Canada Inc., Toronto.  Innovations discussed included new biologic and biosimilar therapies, the repurposing of old therapies, targeted drug discovery, and adaptive clinical trials.  Prior to the discussion, Mr. Reilly gave a 15-minute presentation on the benefits of biosimilars, highlighting policy challenges which regulators must address to safely bring these to patients. Mr. Reilly’s presentation may be viewed here.

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