April 2024 Newsletter

May 21, 2024

ASBM’s Michael Reilly: Preserve the US Interchangeable Standard that Has Helped Drive Physician and Patient Confidence in Biosimilars In an April interview with EndpointsNews, an FDA official called on Congress to eliminate the distinction between biosimilars (which can be prescribed in place of their reference products by a physician) and “interchangeable” biosimilars, which can be substituted by pharmacists the […]

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ASBM’s Michael Reilly: Preserve the US Interchangeable Standard that Has Helped Drive Physician and Patient Confidence in Biosimilars

May 10, 2024

 In an April interview with EndpointsNews, an FDA official called on Congress to eliminate the distinction between biosimilars (which can be prescribed in place of their reference products by a physician) and “interchangeable” biosimilars, which can be substituted by pharmacists the way generics are. Doing so would undermine physician confidence in biosimilars and jeopardize treatment stability for many […]

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ASBM Chairman Urges State and Federal Lawmakers to Help Ensure Patient Access, Treatment Choice

April 30, 2024

 In early April ASBM Chairman Ralph McKibbin joined with the Pennsylvania Nonmedical Switching Coalition to meet with members of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives Insurance committee to answer questions and advocate regarding the impact of nonmedical switching on patients in the state. PA State Senate bill 348 amends the Unfair Insurance Practices Act to prevent nonmedical switching and a […]

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ASBM Comments Urge EMA Not to Abandon Clinical Data in Biosimilar Approvals

April 30, 2024

On April 30, ASBM submitted comments to the European Medicines Agency’s (EMA’s) Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) as part of a public consultation period on the Agency’s “Concept paper for the development of a Reflection Paper on a tailored clinical approach in Biosimilar development”. The document expresses the EMA’s intent to streamline biosimilar development by […]

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ASBM Presents at World Health Organization’s 78th INN Consultation 

March 21, 2024

On March 19th, ASBM presented to the World Health Organization International Nonpropretary Names (INN) Expert Group at the 78th Consultation on International Non-proprietary Names for Pharmaceutical Substances (INN), held in Geneva, Switzerland on October 18th, 2023. ASBM was represented at the session by Executive Director Michael Reilly, Esq., and Advisory Board Chair Philip Schneider, MS, […]

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Dr. McKibbin Presents Poster Session at DIA Global Annual Meeting 2023

July 20, 2023

On June 26th, ASBM Chairman Ralph McKibbin presented a poster at the DIA Global Annual Meeting in Boston, MA. The poster was based on the findings from ASBM’s Canadian ophthalmologist survey and compared the findings with those of other physicians surveyed in recent years. The surveys examined physician attitudes toward biosimilar substitution practices, pharmacovigilance and nomenclature standards, and different […]

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June 2023 Newsletter

July 20, 2023

REGISTER NOW: July 26th ASBM/GaBI Webinar on IRA Medicare Price Negotiation On July 26th, ASBM and the Generics and Biosimilars Initiative (GaBI) will host the first of two webinars examining the implications for patients and healthcare providers of the recently-passed Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The webinars will focus on unintended consequences for patient access that may result from […]

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ASBM & GaBI Host Webinar on IRA Medicare Price Negotiations Impact on Innovation, Patient Access

July 13, 2023

On July 26th, ASBM and the Generics and Biosimilars Initiative (GaBI) hosted a webinar entitled MEDICARE DRUG PRICE NEGOTIATIONS: Impact on Healthcare Development and Patient Access to Medicines which focused on unintended consequences for patient access that may result from the implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The webinar focused on the IRA’s price negotiation […]

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Op-ed: IRA Drug Price Controls Will Hurt Cancer Drug Development

June 12, 2023

Op-ed: IRA Drug Price Controls Will Hurt Cancer Drug Development On May 18th, an op-ed by ASBM Steering Committee Member Andrew Spiegel ran in the Reading Eagle. Mr. Spiegel is a founding member of ASBM and Executive Director of the Global Colon Cancer Association. In the op-ed, Spiegel highlights the importance of small-molecule drugs in cancer therapy, and notes […]

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May 2023 Newsletter

June 12, 2023

Coming Soon: ASBM/GaBI Webinar on IRA’s Medicare Price Negotiation Provisions ASBM and the Generics and Biosimilars Initiative (GaBI) are in the final planning stages for the first of two webinars examining the implications for patients and healthcare providers of the recently-passed Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The webinars will focus on unintended consequences for patient access […]

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