On December 13th, ASBM members were invited to take a tour of a biologics manufacturing facility in Rhode Island to learn about the intricacies and complex processes involved with making biologic medicines.

Following the tour, ASBM held a Biosimilars Forum at the University of Rhode Island, College of Pharmacy in Kingston. Dr. Dolinar gave an overview of biologics and biosimilars and then opened the discussion to participants on the biosimilars panel who included Andrew Spiegel, CEO of the Colon Cancer Alliance, Ronald Jordan, Dean of the University of Rhode Island, College of Pharmacy, Advisory Board Member Bruce Babbitt with PAREXEL Consulting and Doug Kraus who is a patient advocate. The panelists discussed the importance of, and need for, the physician and pharmacy communities to work together to ensure biosimilars are safe for patients.

The College of Pharmacy was very gracious to host ASBM for the forum and Dean Jordan expressed an interest and willingness to work collaboratively with ASBM going forward to help educate pharmacy students and the general public on the challenges biosimilars present to regulators, pharmacists and physicians.

Read the ASBM press release.

[jwplayer file=”http://www.safebiologics.org/videos/ri-2012/dr._dolinar,_biologics_101_640x360.mp4″ image=”https://safebiologics.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Richard_Dolinar.png”]
[jwplayer file=”http://www.safebiologics.org/videos/ri-2012/andy_spiegel,_ceo,_colon_cancer_alliance_640x360.mp4″ image=”https://safebiologics.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Andrew_Spiegel.png”]
[jwplayer file=”http://www.safebiologics.org/videos/ri-2012/bruce_babbitt,_ph.d,_paraxel_consulting_640x360.mp4″ image=”https://safebiologics.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Bruce_Babbit.png”]
[jwplayer file=”http://www.safebiologics.org/videos/ri-2012/doug_krauss,_patient_advocate_640x360.mp4″ image=”https://safebiologics.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Doug_Krauss.png”]
[jwplayer file=”http://www.safebiologics.org/videos/ri-2012/panel_discussion_and_q&a_640x360.mp4″ image=”https://safebiologics.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Panel.png”]
[jwplayer file=”http://www.safebiologics.org/videos/ri-2012/ronald_jordan,_university_of_rhode_island_640x360.mp4″ image=”https://safebiologics.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Ronald_Jordan.png”]

On December 13th, ASBM members were invited to take a tour of a biologics manufacturing facility in Rhode Island to learn about the intricacies and complex processes involved with making biologic medicines.


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