Australia Begins Forced Switching of Metastatic Cancer Patients 

July 12, 2021

Bowel Cancer Australia has issued a Patient Alert for Australia’s metastatic cancer patients: beginning on June 1st, 2021, the popular drug Avastin will be withdrawn from Australia’s Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme (PBS) meaning it will no longer be available to metastatic bowel cancer patients as a subsidized treatment. Avastin is designed to block a protein called vascular endothelial growth […]

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TGA Releases Response to Stakeholder Naming Consultation

January 26, 2018

  On January 24th, the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) released the response to its recent stakeholder consultation on biosimilar naming. The regulator sought input on whether or not it should use distinguishing suffixes for biologics and biosimilars to improve product identification and adverse event reporting. A suffix approach is currently supported by the World […]

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TGA Releases Response to Stakeholder Naming Consultation

January 26, 2018

  On January 24th, the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) released the response to its recent stakeholder consultation on biosimilar naming. The regulator sought input on whether or not it should use distinguishing suffixes for biologics and biosimilars to improve product identification and adverse event reporting. A suffix approach is currently supported by the World […]

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ASBM Supports WHO Naming Plan in Comments to Australia’s TGA

September 12, 2017

On July 28th, 2017 the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) announced that it was seeking comments from interested parties on the nomenclature for biologic medicines, including biosimilars. In a comment letter dated September 7th, ASBM responded, advocating for distinct naming of all biologics and biosimilars, and urging the TGA to adopt the World Health Organization’s […]

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ASBM Supports WHO Naming Plan in Comments to Australia’s TGA

September 12, 2017

On July 28th, 2017 the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) announced that it was seeking comments from interested parties on the nomenclature for biologic medicines, including biosimilars. In a comment letter dated September 7th, ASBM responded, advocating for distinct naming of all biologics and biosimilars, and urging the TGA to adopt the World Health Organization’s […]

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ASBM Presents Poster at Australian Oncologist Conference

August 8, 2017

On August 3rd in Melbourne, Australia, ASBM Steering Committee member Andrew Spiegel, Executive Director of the Global Colon Cancer Association, presented a poster at the 2017 Annual Scientific Meeting of the Medical Oncology Group of Australia (MOGA). Nearly 400 Australian medical oncologists gathered for this meeting, themed Real World Oncology: Translating Discovery in to Practice. View the poster […]

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ASBM Presents Poster at Australian Oncologist Conference

August 8, 2017

On August 3rd in Melbourne, Australia, ASBM Steering Committee member Andrew Spiegel, Executive Director of the Global Colon Cancer Association, presented a poster at the 2017 Annual Scientific Meeting of the Medical Oncology Group of Australia (MOGA). Nearly 400 Australian medical oncologists gathered for this meeting, themed Real World Oncology: Translating Discovery in to Practice. View the poster […]

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The EU Biosimilars Experience: Missed Opportunities

June 21, 2017

By Michael S. Reilly, Esq. Executive Director, ASBM If a recent headline describing the biosimilar experience in Europe were to be believed, one would expect that biosimilars have captured a great deal of the biologics marketplace. The headline, “Biosimilars in Europe: 11 years, 28 approvals, 0 safety concerns” suggests these complex medicines are perfectly safe […]

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The EU Biosimilars Experience: Missed Opportunities

June 21, 2017

By Michael S. Reilly, Esq. Executive Director, ASBM If a recent headline describing the biosimilar experience in Europe were to be believed, one would expect that biosimilars have captured a great deal of the biologics marketplace. The headline, “Biosimilars in Europe: 11 years, 28 approvals, 0 safety concerns” suggests these complex medicines are perfectly safe […]

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ASBM Shares International Perspectives, Australian Physician Insights with Australian Policymakers, Patient and Physician Groups

March 2, 2017

ASBM held a series of meetings in February with Australian regulators and policy makers, as well as pharmacy, physician and patient organizations. ASBM Executive Director Michael Reilly was joined by International Advisory Board member Stephen Murby, who is also the former head of the Consumers Health Forum. The primary purpose of these meetings was to […]

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