Letter to the Editor: Urges safety first with biosimilars

March 17, 2014

VP of Advocacy and Public Policy for the Arthritis Foundation, Heartland Region writes in about Illinois Senate Bill.  Read more here.

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February 2014 Newsletter

March 7, 2014

ASBM Forum Brings Together Leaders on Biosimilars Issues in 2014 On February 25th, the Alliance for Safe Biologic Medicines (ASBM) held a forum to educate patient advocates, physician groups and members of its International Advisory Board on the complex issues related to biosimilars. The half-day forum entitled, “Ensuring Access to Safe Biosimilars: Policy Developments and […]

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ASBM Forum Brings Together Leaders on Biosimilars Issues in 2014

March 6, 2014

On February 25, ASBM held a forum to educate patient advocates, physician groups and members of its International Advisory Board on the complex issues related to biosimilars.   The half-day forum entitled, “Ensuring Access to Safe Biosimilars: Policy Developments and Emerging Challenges” focused on the challenges facing world regulators including the U.S. Food and Drug […]

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Indiana Substitution Legislation Headed to Governor

February 27, 2014

Indiana Substitution Legislation Headed to Governor In Indiana, Senate Bill 262, has successfully moved through both chambers of the legislature with a strong vote of 92-5 in the State House.    The legislation will now move to Governor Pence where it is hoped to quickly be considered. ASBM has written Governor Pence in strong support […]

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January 2014 Newsletter

February 7, 2014

WHO’s Minutes Reflect INN Consideration of Separate Process for ‘Biologic Qualifiers’ for Biosimilars As reported in Inside Health Policy’s “WHO Mulls ‘Biological Qualifier,’ Separate from INN, For Biosimilars,” minutes from the meeting held this past October in Geneva reflect the serious examination by World Health Organization to create a system for unique names. ASBM chairman […]

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Opinion Article “As prescription drugs advance, doctors need all the details”

February 1, 2014

Opinion piece by Dr. Sol De Jesus in the Lebanon Daily News. Read here.

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New IfPA publication on why doctors need to know when pharmacists substitute biologics.

January 17, 2014

“The Physician’s Perspective:  A health policy brief from the Institute for Patient Access,” discusses the importance of a doctor’s need to know when their patients are switched to a biosimilar –- an issue public policy makers in the states are currently considering. Read more here.

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Dr. Dolinar on WFAS AM Talk Radio

November 21, 2013

Dr. Dolinar discusses biosimilars with Seth Ginsberg of the Global Healthy Living Foundation on WFAS AM 1230 talk radio, Greater NYC. Listen here.

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October 2013 Newsletter

November 14, 2013

FTC to Host Workshop on Biosimilars The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) will be holding a public workshop on December 10, 2013 in D.C. to discuss competition issues surrounding biologics and biosimilars. The workshop will specifically focus on how state regulations and naming conventions may impact the development of, and competition for, biosimilars. The FTC will […]

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Dr. Dolinar Addresses State Legislators at NALEO Summit on Health

November 6, 2013

On October 26, Dr. Richard Dolinar served as the keynote luncheon speaker at the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) Legislative Summit on Health in Las Vegas. Dr. Dolinar discussed the science and policy issues surrounding biosimilar provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act with state legislators from across the […]

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